Gasp. It has not escaped my notice that today the friendly follower's widget says 303. What a magical number, and besides that, Woo-hoo, Wow, Yay and OMG! I have trouble believing that so many people clicked on that little button and followed my blog.
Thank you old and new followers for finding something interesting here. I appreciate it, like, by the power of three. Triple imagery is found throughout the world and its history, so I'm going to brew up a post on that, along with a contest.
I'd do it right now in my excitement, but tonight is crit group (actually, so was yesterday) and I've got some serious writing to do on my novel that's been undergoing reconstruction. So today is hard-hat day. See you soon to frolic and work some magic. (I hope). Thank you again!
Congrats on the 303. Wicked awesome turnout! (Hugs)Indigo
I was going to follow, but I couldn't ruin your 303. So I'll wait for 304.
Congratulations!! What an awesome number to reach!
Congrats, Tricia. Your blog is an inspiration.
WOO-HOO!! Congratulations!! You deserve it.
I hope you have fun at your crit group. Mine was last night. :D Always good times.
Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!! You deserve every single one of those followers...x 3! Lol. :-)
Congrats on all the followers and good luck with the writing!
Hey, Tricia, 333 is a good number to celebrate, too. . . .
Thanks EVERYONE who left comments! I'm on my way to critique with manuscript in hand.
And, Nick, feel free to follow any ol' time you please! I'd be honored.
Congrats. You attract the followers because of great posts. Way to go!
Good Luck!
Wondering what you've got up your sleeve.....
Congratulations! Like 303, your blog is magic, so I'm not surprised.
Hope the critique sang... :)
Roxy: Aww, thanks!
@Shelley: Got whole universes up my sleeve--I just don't know what to do with them!
@Viva: We were like birdies. And thank you for such a comment. :D
Congratulations on 300 and good luck with your reconstructions.
I love your post and lovely pictures!!!
Congrats on all the followers. My hubby's cop number is 333. I tell him he's only half evil!!
@Sarah: Thank you. Those reconstructions are mind-boggling.
@Victoria: Thanks so much!
@Linda: That's too funny. I'm sure he's all-good.
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