What is more mysterious than life, than the intricacies of nature? This fern captivated me from the moment I noticed it in the garden of my late mother-in-law. Her name, too, was Fern.
The writer in me sees: A fairy's chariot. A creature from a distant planet. A deep sea being, like an octopus, curling into itself when flung upon land. A mystery waiting to unfold.
I love that my eyes, my mind, take these leaps. And I know that helps my writing.
I'm currently two-thirds done with my fairy tale WIP and ready to take the giant leap into the climax and resolution, where all the complex, mysterious threads come together. I've been hearing the characters' dialogue for weeks. I haven't written down these confrontations, because I see them, I know them. They are developing, waiting to unfold and will be there when I need them.

Here is another view of a fern frond unfolding. This one looks like an upside down seahorse, doesn't it?
Fern loved the sea, lived by it most of her life. She also loved literature but rarely let anyone see her writings, her words scribbled on backs of envelopes, scraps of lined paper or sometimes typed.
Fern loved the sea, lived by it most of her life. She also loved literature but rarely let anyone see her writings, her words scribbled on backs of envelopes, scraps of lined paper or sometimes typed.
After she died, my daughter found a folder of her writings with a note (on an envelope) to me. It read, "Did I ever show you, I think not, these poor, few travesties of lyric songs. You may see them, dear."
A moment, please. My eyes tear, my heart aches. I do miss her.
Since April is National Poetry month, I'll share one of Fern's poems, hoping that I found the most finished draft she wrote.
She called it No Myth.
Forewarned, Psyche dared not find
the face of Love in light,
nor flare of discontent which might
unseat that lord; no sight
reveal if he be radiant or foul.
And yet he knows her contour,
slant and color of the eye,
her soul, computerized,
conditioned, tidied, tamed,
claimed, tuned to die,
he shoots the shaft, reversed, towards home.
Did she risk an open query,
haggle over price to pay,
trade, while tugging at Love's sleeve,
deceit for immortality?
Or make that godly, girlish move
aware, sure, pure in sin,
knowing lone Beauty, Love
needs not consort with Truth to win.
Thank you, Fern, for opening my eyes to so much, to the magic and the truth all around us.
(once again, I cross my fingers that Blogger won't make too much mess of the paragraph spacing)