Wolf Moon at Venice Beach. Technically, I shot this the day before the biggest, closest full moon of the year, but it was a mighty pretty sky, including the sea haze.
Did you go crazy or get creative with this moon?
I was dealing with life stuff away from home, but I did some reading and finished Diana Wynne Jones' House of Many Ways, a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle. As usual, she delighted me with imaginative story and humor.
Then I picked up The Dead & the Gone, the companion to Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. The moon seems a little sinister after Pfeffer hit it with an asteroid, pushing it closer to earth and disrupting tides, atmosphere, magma--shoving us into a volatile world. And if you think this is just sci-fi/fantasy, remember that scientists are concerned about future hits by large asteroids. They aren't unknown. In 1908, an object from space decimated 770 acres of forest in Siberia. Pfeffer's books are worth reading for more than pulse-pounding disaster, but for what they say about human expectations and what really matters when the world as we know it becomes inhospitable.
Now for some non-dystopian, crazy fun with the Over the Top Award, which I received from Yat-Yee Chong. Thank you!
The rules are: Answer the questions with one word and pass the award along to five bloggers.
Your cell phone: Awesome.
Your hair: Baby-fine.
Your mother: Tough.
Your father: Distant.
Your favorite food: Pecans.
Your dream last night: Lost.
Your favorite drink: Water.
Your dream goal: Author.
What room are you in: Studio.
Your hobby: Photography.
Your fear: Rottweilers.
Where do you see yourself in six years: Published.
Where were you last night: Venice.
Something you aren't: Extroverted.
Muffins: Cinnamon.
Wish list item: House.
Where did you grow up: Coastal.
Last thing you did: Walked.
What are you wearing: Sweater.
Your TV: Netflix.
Your pets: Gone.
Friends: Supportive.
Your life: Complicated.
Your mood: Determined.
Missing someone: Daughter.
Vehicle: Miata.
Something you aren't wearing: Heels.
Your favorite store: Book.
Your favorite color: Aqua.
When was last time your laughed: Today.
Last time you cried: Book.
Your best friend: Caring.
One place you go to over and over: Seashore.
Facebook: Unused.
Favorite place to eat: Pho.
I pass this along to five bloggers who go over the top in entirely different ways--from gorgeous writing to words to chew on:
Do with it as you will, my friends. No strings attached.