I had a great couple of days. Here's my check list:
* Revise short story ("Irene's Calling") and submit to contest.
* Revise opening chapter of Sea Daughters and submit first page for contest.
* Revise mid-point chapter for crit group.
* Email publicist for book for blog interview.
* Blog. Twice.
* Finish reading The Dead-Tossed Waves. Start The Demon's Covenant.
So that calls for lush bunches of roses for me and you, because now I'm going to post a slew of good news from writers in the blogging world.
Suzanne Hayze, who captivates readers of her blog with gorgeous, visceral slices of life, has signed with Liz Jote of Objective Entertainment. Woo-hoo! She's also started a new joint blog, Writing Out the Angst with her crit partner Amanda Bonilla. The new blog is a place for writers to talk about the roller coaster ride of getting published. They're kicking things off with a cool contest to win a critique of your query, which is the crucial gateway to finding an agent.
Frankie Diane Mallis got the Call, too, and signed with Laura Rennert of Andrea Brown. Yay! Frankie's holding a 500 followers contest to give away some sizzling signed books. But even if you are anti-book-contest (is that possible?) you must go read her hilarious post starring Princess Buttercup and Westley. Go. Read.
Megan Rebekah is celebrating 500 followers with an awesome giveaway contest of books and critique. Megan's blog is always a good read and her crit partners are so awesome I follow them all. You can't go wrong with these bloggers.
Yvonne Osborne at the Organic Writer tagged me with a meme. I did it before, so I won't repeat. But you must go check her answers. Fierce and breathtaking like her poetry.