I discovered this secret door shrouded behind a curtain of vines. It calls to me. What lies beyond?
Faerie? Or maybe. . .
Wizard Howl’s castle trundling along the moors.
The Queen of Hearts' lawn croquet game in full swing.
The tombs of Atuan.
Ethan Rayne’s Halloween costume shop in Sunnydale.
Ray Bradbury’s Veldt.
The Cat in the Hat, a Yottle in a bottle, a Yep on a step and Yooks and Zooks everywhere.
A wardrobe crammed with 1930’s coats.
The golden woods of Lothlorien.
The cantina on Mos Eisley.
Shotgun seat in a black 1967 Chevy Impala. Please don’t let the next stop be The Crossroad.
The Hunger Games Arena.
Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Diagon Alley. I’d like yew with dragonheart string ASAP.
Faerie? Or maybe. . .
Wizard Howl’s castle trundling along the moors.
The Queen of Hearts' lawn croquet game in full swing.
The tombs of Atuan.
Ethan Rayne’s Halloween costume shop in Sunnydale.
Ray Bradbury’s Veldt.
The Cat in the Hat, a Yottle in a bottle, a Yep on a step and Yooks and Zooks everywhere.
A wardrobe crammed with 1930’s coats.
The golden woods of Lothlorien.
The cantina on Mos Eisley.
Shotgun seat in a black 1967 Chevy Impala. Please don’t let the next stop be The Crossroad.
The Hunger Games Arena.
Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Diagon Alley. I’d like yew with dragonheart string ASAP.
What do you think is behind the door? Come on, what other world would you love or hate to find?
I think the publishing world is behind that door and all the agents are sitting at desks waiting to see who opens the door next.
A lawn-elf cocktail party, of course! What an intriguing image and a beautiful photo.
I'm thinking a world where all the food is calorie free! Now that's my kind of secret world!
Oh, so many possibilities. I'd like to find a whole new planet full of strange and interesting creatures. Lovely picture.
Oh, that's easy. I want to find Inkworld, the magical world of Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. :-)
It's the Secret Garden where Mary Lennox is planting lots of lovely flowers to surprise her sickly cousin Colin.
Ok not very original.
Beyond is the home of a reclusive musician who is training his deaf daughter to play piano by touch.
@Anne: Ha! I'm putting on my running shoes and heading back to that door!
@Mel: That sounds like fun. I'll go if you go. ;)
@Rachele: Oh the things we could eat. :D
@Angie: Exactly. A true adventure. That's why I thought of Mos Eisley.
@Shannon: Oooo, that's a spooky and intriguing world, for sure.
@Laurel: I like secret gardens, especially the miniature kind where creatures live that we can't even see.
Perhaps the road not taken and a second chance.
Maybe I'll open the door and be sixteen again... of course, I have no idea whether it would be better to change the things I regret, or do everything the same. I wouldn't want to change who I am.
Fun post!
Maybe a portal to Pern - would love to visit there! Or Middle Earth :)
I know that door. I recognize it. It's the portal to all that's ever been loved and lost.
@Sharon: I love that notion of the road not taken. How cool would that be to get the chance?
@Tere: This is like the flip side of Sharon's comment. Every time I consider going back in time to do it differently, I think of the good things I would also be giving up. Not an easy choice at all.
@Jemi: Ooooo, Pern, yes. And, for sure, Middle Earth.
@Viva: !!!!! That is an amazing idea. Now, I'm looking at the picture and feeling the enormous import of what resides there.
Maybe something ancient is behind the door. I like old things covered with dust and when you wipe the dust away you find something amazing that you didn't expect.
I couldn't help but think of the Secret Garden where the most beautiful things grow.
Love this post!
@PaulG: Rummaging in an attic is one of my fantasies, links to the past, mysteries long hidden. Great idea!
@Lydia: The vines and flowers certainly give the impression of beauty beyond...
Oh, I love the door. I think it's like the secret garden from the children's book.
What a dangerous thing you propose! Hmmm, Middle Earth, Krynn, Narnia....ancient Babylon...?
I love Rachele's answer - 'A world where all food is calorie free'!!
However, I'd wish for a secret place behind the door where all animals could wander free without fear of us humans. Oh, and perhaps a couple of money trees sprinkled about the garden :)
I would hate to find the Hunger Games world, even though those books obsessed my brain for many nights!! Ultimately, I'd like to find the worlds I create in my books. :)
@Clarissa: That seems to be a popular choice and a sweet one, for sure.
@WordsCrafter: It is a bit daring, isn't it? If we could.....
But ancient Babylon! Wow, that would be an eye-popper.
@Wendy: Ooooo, maybe we could even have the extinct animals behind the door. Oh, my.
@Susan: Well, it would be a shocker to step onto the playing field there, wouldn't it? Yikes!
I'd love to find the worlds you create in your books, too! :)
Ivy and Glory, the witch sisters, live behind that hidden door. Their namesake flowers are the code.
Definitely the cantina on Mos Eisley. It looks like the door that leads from the school to the witches realm in a story Beth wrote. I have plead with her to revisit that story, maybe she will one day. :)
I want to visit The Wind in the Willows world. :) I want to ride in the horse-drawn boat.
I'd love to find a WARM place, chock full of pina coladas! :)
@Donna: Oooooo, I love that and now I'm going to have to try that code. If I disappear, you'll all know I got sucked into the secret door.
@Robyn: Oh, yes, the Wind in the Willows. That would be mighty fine. And I'd love to read that story of Beth's someday!
@Talli: Ha! I'm sorry the UK is freezing right now. I wish I could invite you over and I'd make you the pina colada!
I'm with Anne! I'm going to go with the publishing world! Or maybe a bottle of champagne?
@Talli: I think you've got a magnum of champagne awaiting you. ;)
Oh that's so cool. Makes me think of the Secret Garden. I loved that book as a kid. :D
@Stina: The photo does seem to trigger the Secret Garden. It has that mysterious sweetness to it. Glad you liked it.
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