Sometimes you gotta just stare out to sea and contemplate your next move.
I'm there right now. Whether it's another chapter of rewrite, the next blog or life stuff, I'm needing some stare time.
So I'm taking off for a couple of days to deal with some things and find enlightenment.
I leave you with this vista.
I would love to have some stare time too, preferably by the ocean...
Be recharged.
Happy staring. I'm sure enlightenment is there if you look hard enough.
Sea you when you get back :)
Ah, nothing better than the ocean for bringing a sense of peace.
My mom rode the calif real estate wave while I was growing up...always buying, fixing up and moving. One year she bought a place right on the beach in Ventura. Like, right on the beach -- the very first house next to the sand. It was only one year, but it was perfect. Ah, the memories...
Here's wising you peace and a visit from your muse.
Thanks all. I'm leaving right after my crit group today, heading for one of the few remaining old houses in Venice Beach (family). I have personal biz, but there will be long walks, gazing and musing a'plenty.
BJW, I'll get back to you on the enlightenment...
Tess, what a cool year that must have been!
have a nice time off, and stare some for me!
Ahhhhh, that's exactly what I need. I'm feeling burned out on everything, including writing.
PJ--Any time!
Stephanie--Welcome and thanks for visiting.
I'll bet you're doing more than staring. I'll bet your thinking about your writing. That's what writers do. We can't help it. Have a great stare.
I keep coming back to this blog. To sea you.
I'm baaack.
Welcome Elizabeth. You are right, I did think about writing and this blog--I shot photos, even. But the stare was great, too.
Suzanne--Likewise. Your blog lures me always.
You should be proud of yourself, I know you're happy. Congrats. Thanks for commenting on my blog, by the way.
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